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We have successful locksmiths working in all 50 states and dozens of countries worldwide.

Whether you want to be a residential/commercial locksmith, an automotive locksmith, or both.  We have the training program available to you.  Our instructors are well known as some of the top Master Locksmiths and Master Automotive Locksmiths in the United States.  Our instructors are 3rd and 4th generation locksmiths with the knowledge to help you be successful.

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Residential & Commercial Locksmith

american locksmith academy residential and commercial locksmith training

Our Certified General Locksmith course will prepare you to compete most commercial and residential locksmith jobs.

american locksmith academy automotive locks mith training

Certified Automotive Locksmith

Our Certified Automotive Locksmith class will teach you to complete add a key and all keys lost jobs on both Asian and Domestic vehicles.  Our 3 step simple process makes learning and completing automotive jobs easy.


Certified BMW & Mercedes Locksmith

Our BMW & Mercedes classes will help you stand out in your area as the top automotive specialist.

american locksmith academy motorcyclre locksm ith training

Certified Motorcycle Locksmith

Motorcycle keys are an area of locksmithing which very few locksmiths participate in.  This course will enable you to be proficient in this lucrative area.


Eeprom & Soldering For Locksmiths

Our Eeprom & Soldering class will allow you to expand your automotive locksmith business into advanced vehicles and complete jobs by mail.


Safe & Vault Servicing

Safe & Vault servicing is a very lucrative part of the locksmith industry.  Very few locksmiths have the proper training to complete combination changes, repair safes and vaults, and install new locks.


We Train The Best Automotive Locksmiths In The Industry

95% of all locksmiths are what the industry refers to as "general locksmiths".  We at American Locksmith Academy like to compare locksmiths to physicians as an example.  In the medical industry there are general practitioners and specialists.  Your family doctor is a general practitioner.  If you visit your family doctor with a large lump on your neck, they will refer you to a specialist.  The specialist know the ins and outs of their area of specialization.  The general practitioner knows only the basics.  Which of the two do you believe earns the most money?  The specialist of course!


Here at American Locksmith Academy, we train you to be an automotive specialist.  Most locksmiths claim to know automotive, but have no idea about chips, blades, FCC id's, or code locations.  Upon completion of our program you will have more knowledge than the majority of locksmiths working today.

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